Tuesday, 30 June 2009

nother day

First we put in the post section and then we go back up to the top and put in our own title....
I really like that background don't you?

I think that looks OK. When I move back to the Other Blog I might have to change the colour of the letters but I will decide that another day.

I am very pleased with this.

I am off to Stat counter now to deal with all those people who rushed to the other site in June.

Heh, heh, heh

Now this is how it is supposed to work....
Yes I know it needs a bit more refining but I'll work on that a little later on. For example I need to make a small pic and just put the first letter in and see how that looks. I might spend the next 20 minutes doing just that right away.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Ha I've nearly figured it out.

Though I have to ask myself whether it's all worth while.
Oh my goodness I don’t think blogger will want to accept this particular piece of sweat and skill and artistic creativity on my part.

Oh I hate blogger today..........................

I want to do something different and intersting and it is like most other things these days a control freak.
Just on a break for a few minutes......
be back later.
Another day down on the farm...

I need to get stuff happening here at the Experifarm. If it doesn't happen here it ain't gonna happen anywhere else.

So I'll allow myself half an hour - or is that half a hour with a definite sounding of the letter h in the word hour.

Whoops rabbiting on there. Appropriate use of a word that could be connected with farm activities, especially as the Guard dog is still with Monica and Monica has nicked off to the Southwest of the state to amuse some rural ladies. Or so she hopes.

Back to the blog, time is ticking by.

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Another day down on the farm...

The farm is closed to visitors for a short time while the farmer is away at a conference.
The Guard Dog has gone to stay with Monica in the big city.
He doesn't know whether to be pleased or bite someone on the leg.