Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Another day down on the farm...

The Guard Dog has made it quite clear that he would like to see a few new people around the place and I have arranged for Monica to come with a big stick and a bit of stale bread and chew the crusts with him for a while.

They are sure to get along just fine.

As you can see Monica is a snappy dresser, she has a thing for pale blue which is not exactly the best colour for mucking around with dogs on farms but the pants and shoes are very sensible.

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Another day down on the farm...
The Easter break is over.
The guard dog is soooo pleased.
He has been shut up in the barn.
I think that it is only fair that the Easter Bunny can go about his very important business of delivering Easter eggs without fear of being harassed by the guard dog.
I'm sure you agree.

Thursday, 9 April 2009

Another day down on the farm...

The Guard Dog and I were sitting under the shade of the ombu tree today and deciding what outlandish thing we would do next.

And what do you think we came up with???

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Muddling about

I'm about to spend a bit of time just muddling around in the farmyard in the vain hope that something new and exciting will happen here.

However don't hold your breath!!

Saturday, 4 April 2009

Oh Goodness

Wow I nearly forgot to beat the bounds of the farm.

The guard dog came over and whined and growled and then I realised that I had been neglecting things farm.

We walked to the main gate and looked up and down the road. Nothing in sight.

I closed and locked the gates and left the GD in charge.

Friday, 3 April 2009


Guess What??

The guard dog tells me there have been a couple people passing by and looking through the fence.

The guard dog lay in the shadows of the trees with his head on his paws and eyes half closed and watched closely.

He was very excited - he doesn't want to feel he is not earning his keep...

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Poor, Poor Tired Old Me

I think I have bitten off more than I can chew taking on the wretched experimental farm.

I need to spend more time at my other habitat today so I am leaving the guard dog in charge of things and will return at the first opportunity.


Wednesday, 1 April 2009

A title always looks neater doesn't it?

This letter business is going to take a bit more experimenting than I have time for today but come hell or high water I will get this damn thing to work.